The Command office has new hours

Monday 10am - 2 pm

Wednesday 8:30 - Noon

Tuesday and Thursday 9am - 1 pm

Fridays 9am - Noon

Mon-Sat -Breakfast is being served 0830 until 1100

 Monday and Thursday, 11 am - 2 pm - Lunch is being served.

Thursday, February 13th, the Post, including the kitchen,  will be Closed due to the impending weather forecast of freezing rain and snow.

We just want to keep you safe!


SUNDAYS:  Restaurant opens at 1000 and closes at 1400

 Lounge opens at 1100 and closes at 1600

BINGO starts at 12:30 p.m.


Welcome to the American Legion Post 10, one of the oldest American Legion Posts in the State of Oregon.

The American Legion Post 10 is a registered 501c (19) non-profit veterans organization located in Albany, Oregon in the United States.  Our  Post was founded in 1919 by veterans returning from Europe after World War I and was later chartered as an official American patriotic society under Title 36 of the United States Code.  Our mission is to support our veterans, their families and our community.  Our American Legion family is made up of Legionnaires (veterans*), Auxiliary (spouses, grandmothers, mothers, sisters & daughters of veterans), Sons of American Legion and the Legion Riders (must be a Legion member).    

    We are a social and mutual-aid veterans' organization comprising of members of the United States armed forces and their families that focuses on service to veterans, service members, children and youth and the community. Tragically, our Post building and service memorabilia were destroyed on July 4th, 2010 (of all days) by an arsonist. But what could not be destroyed was our spirit, our will, and our determination to rebuild and continue our mission of service to our community and country.  We will continue to support our veterans and our community.

For over a century we have been a leader in our community providing valuable programs such as:

*  Scouting   *   Youth Baseball   *   Boy's & Girl's State/Nation   *   Citizenship   *   

*  Scholarships   *   Flag Advocacy   *  Oratorical Contest   *   Flag Etiquette   * 

*   Veteran Funeral Honors   *   Veteran Quilts & Supplies in Hospitals  *

*  Veteran Family Assistance   *   Family Support  Network   * 

*   Community Volunteering   *   Youth Support   * 

*  Veteran Benefit Assistance  *

*  Patriotism 

        * Eligibility Requirements for American Legion Membership *

  If you have served federal active duty in the United States Armed Forces since December 7, 1941, and have been honorably discharged or are still serving - you are eligible for membership in The American Legion!  Come visit Post 10 to learn more.

Dec. 7, 1941 to Present  (World War II through today)

April 6, 1917 to Nov. 11, 1918 (World War I)

Honor Guard & Legion Riders 

BINGO on Sundays from 12:30 to 4:00 PM

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