Honor Guard

Commander - Marland Rice


   Have a party, and no one shows up?  Well, that’s what we are experiencing daily in the good old U.S.A.!  Our Post has the best Honor Guard in the state.  Say it again - Our Post has the best Honor Guard in the state!  However, due to dwindling volunteers, we may not be able to render military honors to our veterans whose families request these services.

  All that this requires is some of your time!  The Honor Guard furnishes your uniforms, and if needed, we will even train you.  It’s not boot camp again! 

  The first benefit is working with a fantastic group of guys, and your wife won’t have to dust around you.  The second benefit is that our deceased brothers and sisters get a good send-off to the promised land!  Come on and help our Post remain the Best!  

Please call the Post 541-926-0127 or Marland Rice at  541-974-5607.